Pediatric Rehabilitation Services – IWK
Provides services to children and youth with physical disabilities resulting in functional change. Includes the Infant and Preschool Therapy Team, Community and School Therapy Team, Specialty Seating, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Recreation Therapy, Pediatric Preschool Psychology Service, and Neuropsychology. Some services are HRM specific, while others are provincial or Maritime services. The Village News is a resource developed by this service to help you stay informed and inspired.
Inpatient Rehab Team – made up of many different health care professionals. The team provides intensive rehab services to infants, children and youth who have a functional impairment resulting from injury, illness or following surgery. The team will: Help you and your child understand your child’s condition Work with you and your child to identify functional goals, Help your family prepare for going home, Support your family as you adapt to life after an injury or illness Help your child make the best recovery possible, including: How they move, How they participate in daily activities, How they communicate, How they feel about themselves, How they get along with others, How they learn, Help your school understand your child’s needs and help plan for their return to school, Help link your family with people or services in your home community that may be helpful.
The Brain Tumour Clinic – provides specialized care for children and youth in the Maritimes who have a brain tumour. They use an interdisciplinary team to provide treatment and support for patients and families. Supportive care is a crucial component of the treatments they offer and includes blood product administration, drugs to minimize side effects, nutritional support, psychosocial support, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
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