Housing Support and Services – Government of Nova Scotia
Department of Community Services (DCS) – Licensed homes for special care across the province fall under the Disability Support Program (DSP) and include Small Options Homes, Group Homes/Developmental Residences, Residential Care Facilities, Adult Residential Centres and Regional Rehabilitation Centres. To our knowledge, at the time of printing, there are no options available specifically for clients with acquired brain injuries, although some licensed homes include residents with ABI. Local DCS offices manage all admissions. Call 1-877-424-1177 or visit http://www.novascotia.ca/coms/department/contact/index.html for more information.
Department of Health & Wellness (DHW) – Long-term care facilities licensed and funded by the Department of Health and Wellness provide services for people who need ongoing care, either on a long-term basis (permanent placement) or short-term (respite care). There are two types of long-term care facilities available, nursing homes and residential care facilities. A provincial directory is available here: https://novascotia.ca/dhw/ccs/documents/Nursing-Homes-and-Residential-Care-Directories.pdf. To our knowledge, at the time of publishing, Peter’s Place (listed in this directory) is currently the only ABI-specific Continuing Care residential care facility in Nova Scotia. Continuing Care manages admissions: 1-800-225-7225 or http://www.novascotia.ca/dhw/ccs/
Disability Support Program, Independent Living Support – Provides supports and services to individuals with disabilities who require minimum support to live independently in their apartment or home. For more information, call 1-877-424-1177 or visit http://www.novascotia.ca/coms/disabilities/IndependentLiving.html
If you feel your organization/service should be added to the directory, please fill out this form. If you notice an error in an existing listing, or have updated information on an existing listing, please contact submissions@braininjuryns.com. If you would rather view the PDF version of the directory, published in 2021, click HERE.